Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders


There comes a time in our lives when we feel anxiety because of financial strains, a change of career, and moving out to a new location. These turbulent situations have become part and parcel of ever-changing patterns of life; however, when the minor things of everyday life start slipping out of your hands, they could be symptoms of an anxiety disorder. World Health Organization’s statistics are eye-opening because approximately 264 million people are suffering from anxiety disorders worldwide. In America, the situation is grim, and this silent killer is believed to be the most common illness which affects approximately 40 million individuals. Here are some common symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Excessive Worrying

If you are worrying about baseless reasons, you may be trapped by anxiety. If such a situation occurs most of the days for the last six months or so, and the worrying is hard to control, you fall prey to generalized anxiety disorder. As time passes, it will be even harder for you to concentrate. Importantly, single individuals over 65 with economic instability are at higher risk.

Feeling Agitated

Don’t let yourself feel agitated. Anxiety disorder makes you sweat excessively, your heart beats rapidly, and your body shakes speedily. If these symptoms prolong and persist, you need an expert.


Children and teenagers particularly feel tired even without any physical activity; however, you may feel restlessness in the 20s and 30s. Also, restlessness on its own may not be the reason for anxiety disorder, yet it may lead to generalized anxiety disorder.


Making a mountain of a molehill may not sound nice to you, but maybe you are the reason behind it. If you are messed up with your temper and become hotheaded for small things, you need treatment because your anxiety is hitting the highest point.

Difficulty Concentrating

You may find it hard to concentrate and remember or recall things. This may occur either at your workplace or at home when dealing with everyday matters. Hang on! You may be suffering from an anxiety disorder.

Tense Muscles

Muscle tension and anxiety go hand in hand, the more stress in your muscles, the more anxiety. To get to the bottom of an issue muscle relaxation therapy does the magic for you to reduce the level of anxiety.

Sleeplessness or Difficulty in Going to Bed

Do you want to hit the sack on time but cannot sleep a wink? If this pattern is consistent and continuous, you are on the edge of being a victim of anxiety.

Panic attacks

Don’t have butterflies in your stomach. If it is occasional confronting complex situations, it's okay, but if it occurs dealing with minor issues, don’t ignore it because it leads to anxiety. 

Don't delay, contact us today.

At Ontario Psychological Centre we will tell you what to do and how to do to tackle anxiety.